The EV Consortium is free. Your contribution is your data and your participation in our growing community.

We will schedule a data meeting. During the meeting, our data analysts will work with you and your data analyst to identify which backend tables of your FMIS system contain the required data. (If you are on a known FMIS system, and are able to pull the data using the SQL scripts we provide, a meeting may not be necessary.) We will review the options for sending data, and based on your preference, set up a secure method of file transmission for you. After that, you’ll be entered into the next quarterly cadence. You’ll be added to all communications and invited to all future meetings.

We will never sell your organization-specific data. We may publish high-level findings about the overall data set. In the dashboard, each member can see their organization’s specific results, and anonymized information for other members. Members cannot see each other’s specific results. The dashboard does include peer comparisons on key metrics. These are presented in a bar chart with each organization represented by a bar.

Data is pulled and submitted each quarter. An API can be set up for automatic transmission. For flat file submission, we provide SQL scripts to pull the needed data from your FMIS. Normally, your data analyst can run these files for you. Once we review your data, we will likely have some questions, which are normally taken care of via email. Once you’ve been through data submission a time or two, things should go smoothly and quickly.

There is an optional data analysis meeting each quarter. In these meetings, our analysts review results from the prior quarter. We discuss upcoming phases and ask for input on new metrics and visualizations. We may also invite you to attend a brainstorming session or ask you to complete a survey about an upcoming phase. A few times a year, we will hold optional learning and development sessions such as panel discussions, or roundtable forums, and best practice sessions led by our members.

Each phase of the project requires a different data set. The most important are FMIS, telematics, fuel, and charging station data. We use surveys to capture data that doesn’t live in systems.

Data must be submitted on a quarterly basis. There is a week-long submission window. Each quarter, you’ll receive reminders and instructions about how to pull and transmit your data. We offer several transmissions options: API, secure email, SFTP, and secure file upload. We will review the options with you to pick the one that works best for your organization.

Not at all. On your initial data submission, we will pull a date range that aligns with the start of the project up until the current quarter. That way, you’ll be caught up with everyone else.

The dashboard is refreshed several weeks after the quarterly data submission. We also prepare an executive summary that contains high-level results for the entire data set. For new members, depending on the FMIS system you are using, it could take a bit longer to get the data pipeline set up and to create your dashboard.

You’ll receive login credentials and instructions about how to navigate to and use the dashboard once your data is loaded.

How much does it cost to be a member?

The EV Consortium is free. Your contribution is your data and your participation in our growing community.

Once I sign up, what happens next?

We will schedule a data meeting. During the meeting, our data analysts will work with you and your data analyst to identify which backend tables of your FMIS system contain the required data. (If you are on a known FMIS system, and are able to pull the data using the SQL scripts we provide, a meeting may not be necessary.) We will review the options for sending data, and based on your preference, set up a secure method of file transmission for you. After that, you’ll be entered into the next quarterly cadence. You’ll be added to all communications and invited to all future meetings.

Will you sell or share my data? Can other EV Consortium members see my data?

We will never sell your organization-specific data. We may publish high-level findings about the overall data set. In the dashboard, each member can see their organization’s specific results, and anonymized information for other members. Members cannot see each other’s specific results. The dashboard does include peer comparisons on key metrics. These are presented in a bar chart with each organization represented by a bar.

How long does it take to pull the data?

Data is pulled and submitted each quarter. An API can be set up for automatic transmission. For flat file submission, we provide SQL scripts to pull the needed data from your FMIS. Normally, your data analyst can run these files for you. Once we review your data, we will likely have some questions, which are normally taken care of via email. Once you’ve been through data submission a time or two, things should go smoothly and quickly.

What kind of time commitment is there? Are there a lot of meetings?

There is an optional data analysis meeting each quarter. In these meetings, our analysts review results from the prior quarter. We discuss upcoming phases and ask for input on new metrics and visualizations. We may also invite you to attend a brainstorming session or ask you to complete a survey about an upcoming phase. A few times a year, we will hold optional learning and development sessions such as panel discussions, or roundtable forums, and best practice sessions led by our members.

What type of data do I need to send?

Each phase of the project requires a different data set. The most important are FMIS, telematics, fuel, and charging station data. We use surveys to capture data that doesn’t live in systems.

How often do I submit data? How do I send data files to you?

Data must be submitted on a quarterly basis. There is a week-long submission window. Each quarter, you’ll receive reminders and instructions about how to pull and transmit your data. We offer several transmissions options: API, secure email, SFTP, and secure file upload. We will review the options with you to pick the one that works best for your organization.

What if I join a lot later than other members? Will I be behind?

Not at all. On your initial data submission, we will pull a date range that aligns with the start of the project up until the current quarter. That way, you’ll be caught up with everyone else.

How long do I need to wait to see my data in the dashboard?

The dashboard is refreshed several weeks after the quarterly data submission. We also prepare an executive summary that contains high-level results for the entire data set. For new members, depending on the FMIS system you are using, it could take a bit longer to get the data pipeline set up and to create your dashboard.

How do I access the dashboard?

You’ll receive login credentials and instructions about how to navigate to and use the dashboard once your data is loaded.

If you have inquiries beyond what’s covered here,
please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.